Monday, November 30, 2020

Extended Q&A to my DelphiCon session about Spring4D

Many of you have probably seen my session at DelphiCon (watch directly on Youtube) and the overall feedback has been quite positive - many thanks to you and I hope I could stir up some interest if it was completely new for you.

In this article I will address the questions that came up during the presentation but have not yet been answered. Please leave a comment if I missed any.

Q: When using Shared<T> can I determine how many shares are in play and therefore, if I'm processing the last running share?

A: Not without hacking into the data structure. Since you can pass a finalizer that automatically triggers when the last one goes out of scope that should not be necessary.

Q: Shared<T>, IShared<T> are really nice! What about performance?

A: While they involve a small heap allocation and atomic reference counting everything is as fast as it can be without any unnecessary overhead. In fact there is no object underneath implementing the interface but a handcrafted memory block which avoids overhead of object construction and destruction and adjustor thunks for the method calls. I will share some more details on this approach in a future blog post as I have been using this in several places now to achieve that extra bit of performance and reduce binary size especially for generics.

Q: Can the Shared<T> be used as a class field that you pass to other classes? Also can it be a function result that you keep until the end? I'm thinking about using this with an api wrapper like you said.

A: Absolutely!

Q: Can we / could we do unique pointer in Delphi?

A: If my understanding of a unique pointer is not wrong it prevents any assignment and makes sure that there is just one reference. If I am again not mistaken this is achieved in C++ by hiding/not giving an assignment/copy operator. This is not possible in Delphi. I was hoping that custom managed records get this functionality but unfortunately they didn't. So there is no way to prevent having an explicit or implicit assignment happening.

Q: What will it take to extend Spring4D's reach to FPC (and, in turn, Pas2js -- now that generics are supported) so we can enjoy Spring4D for type-safe Web application development?

A: I have looked into FPC several times over the years and while many people praise it for being the open source rescue from Delphi it still lacks things that many of us take for granted in Delphi such as anonymous methods - I don't know their current state but they are integral part of the majority of the library. Pas2js is a bit different and I would not consider it the regular FPC because TMS is pushing this to make TMSWebCore work which aims for Delphi compatibility. I am certainly interested in looking into it at some point but that will not be any time soon. I also don't want to get into some ifdef hell - I just have been happy about removing a lot that were for Delphi2010 and probably a few more for ARC soon.

Q: What font are you using in the editor? It is very nice to write code!

A: I was hoping for anyone to notice. ;) It is JetBrains Mono - you can get it here. Make sure to use those directly in the ttf folder of that zip file because the Delphi code editor does not support ligatures.

Q: Are any of the IEnumerable functions using threads behind the scenes to speed up processing. For example, complex where clauses on massive lists of objects.

A: No, there is no multithreading going on - the implementation is pretty much similar to the one you find in System.Linq in .NET. Due to the extensible nature of the library by using interfaces you can just make your own Version of this where you can go fancy. Unfortunately since we don't have interface helpers you have to invoke it like this: TMyEnumerable.MyWhere<TCustomer>(customers, otherstuff)

Q: Nullable is the same as C#, value based?

A: Yes, pretty much although in Delphi some types are supported that are not strictly value types but mostly treated like them such as strings. While it does not prevent you from using it with some T that is a reference type it does not make much sense and might behave wrong because it does not explicitly differ between null and explicitly having a typed nil being assigned.

Q: Could the Nullable be stringified and then parsed back?

A: I originally answered the question possibly wrong during the Q&A so here is another take at it: Yes, you can turn a nullable into a string and reverse. Here is some example code on how to achieve that. You need to have a conditional when parsing back the string though to either set the value or to set it as null. This is achieved with the helper for TValue from Spring.pas.

n: Nullable<Integer>;
s: string;
v: TValue;
n := 42;
s := TValue.From(n).ToString;
n := nil;
s := TValue.From(n).ToString;
s := '55';
v := TValue.From(s);
v := TValue.Empty;

Q: Is there any active development on the library or future plans? What news can we expect in Version 2?

A: There is constant development and I am always open for suggestions or improvements. Some things that I showed in the presentation are new in 2.0 but I will go into more details on features and some technical stories in the coming weeks. Right now the goal is to get an RC ready before the end of the year and before my Christmas holiday in Night City ;) The plans for the version after that is to finally work on some major refactoring of the DI container in order to fix some of its slowly revealing shortcomings in its architecture/implementation which will enable the implementation of some pretty exciting features. But more about that when the time comes.

Q: What about the future of the ORM part?

A: Due to lack of time and expertise in that area I put development of that part on hold for now. I explained this a bit more in detail some while ago on the mailing list (thanks google for deprecating the ability to pin topics...). It was a decision that was not easy but I am confident that it is better for the overall quality of the library as I can stay focused on its core features.

I know that many of you wish for better documentation and tutorials and that is top priority right after getting the 2.0 RC out.

Downloads: sample code - slides

Monday, September 7, 2020

Open array parameters and subranges

Open array parameters in Delphi are one of the unique language constructs in Delphi. While their syntax resembles that of a dynamic array they are a different thing. In fact under the hood they consist of two parameters, the first being the pointer to the first item and the second being the highest index.

You can pass static and dynamic arrays to an open array parameter as well as directly specify values to be passed using the square brackets. This sums up what they are but the documentation has some more details about them. There is also a detailed article about them.

Open array parameters are a great way to work with sub ranges without additionally passing start and end index or start index and length which avoids any possible defects by wrong offset calculation.

If you want to take a subrange of such an array you can use the Slice function - which however has two little deficiencies. It does not work on dynamic arrays and what this article is about: it can only return subranges that start at the beginning.

Imagine the following code - for the sake of this article we take a standard recursive mergesort implementation and try to partially implement it by using an open array.

procedure MergeSort(var values: array of Integer);
if Length(values) <= 1 then
MergeSort(<left half of values>);
MergeSort(<right half of values>);
// actual merge left as an exercise to the reader

The left half is easy as you can just use Slice:

  MergeSort(Slice(values, Length(values) div 2);

But the right side must not start at the beginning and gives us a problem. The question is not new and has already been asked on stackoverflow and shows a way how to trick the compiler into generating the correct code - keep in mind we don't want to copy parts of the array but implement an inplace merge sort here - the sort itself does not matter but just serves to demonstrate getting a subrange.

We aim for getting the best code being generated while keeping as much readability as possible - so any fancy solutions using anonymous methods are off limits. The only solution to the problem is to trick Slice in thinking it is dealing with a static array (which the questioner tried to avoid if possible). Because we need it later let's declare a type for this:

TOpenArray<T> = array[0..0] of T;

As this is a generic type it can be used for any open array later - for now we are just sorting Integer. With its help we can complete the trick and outwit Slice:

len := Length(values);
mid := len div 2;
MergeSort(Slice(TOpenArray<Integer>(values[mid]), len - mid));

Apart from introducing variables for the length and the middle of the array we are now taking the start of the right half (if the length is uneven the right side will be one element longer) and hardcasting this to our one-sized static array of Integer and passing the length of the right half. If you compile and run this code with some data it will eventually raise an ERangeError because the compiler assumes that this array has only one element and we want to pass more than that.

So we have to surround that code with directives to temporarily disable range checking if that is enabled - I usually write the code as follows:

len := Length(values);
mid := len div 2;
MergeSort(Slice(TOpenArray<Integer>(values[mid]), len - mid));

If you are using something such as you already get the RANGECHECKS_ON define and can check for that and don't have to undef - anyhow the goal is to not get this exception - of course you have to make sure that the length you are passing here is correct!

So far so good we have our Mergesort implementation and could implement the interesting part, the merging simply with an array that starts at 0 and has Length(values) elements - no tedious offset calculation. How you do that though is out of the scope for this article.

Now let's make it generic!

class procedure TArray.MergeSort<T>(var values: array of T);
len, mid: Integer;
len := Length(values);
if len <= 1 then
mid := len div 2;
MergeSort<T>(Slice(values, mid));
MergeSort<T>(Slice(TOpenArray<T>(values[mid]), len - mid));
// actual merge left as an exercise to the reader

When we try to compile this code we will get an error in line 14: E2089 Invalid typecast - ugh... generics. Obviously for whatever reason the compiler here does not allow us to hardcast that one element of type T (values[mid]) into a one sized static array of type T (is that a bug given the types have an exact match? Should I report this? Let me know). Anyhow we can solve this - and that might be an indicator that the compile error is bogus:

  MergeSort<T>(Slice(TOpenArray<T>((@values[mid])^), len - mid));

Simply using the address and dereferencing satisfies the compiler to compile - and generate the correct code. Speaking of which - let's take a look at it - I am using optimization and turned off and range and overflow checking to just get the essence:

MergeSortDemo.dpr.44: begin
0041CA34 53 push ebx
0041CA35 56 push esi
0041CA36 51 push ecx
0041CA37 890424 mov [esp],eax
MergeSortDemo.dpr.45: len := Length(values);
0041CA3A 8D5A01 lea ebx,[edx+$01]
MergeSortDemo.dpr.46: if len <= 1 then
0041CA3D 83FB01 cmp ebx,$01
0041CA40 7E24 jle $0041ca66
MergeSortDemo.dpr.49: mid := len div 2;
0041CA42 8BF3 mov esi,ebx
0041CA44 D1FE sar esi,1
0041CA46 7903 jns $0041ca4b
0041CA48 83D600 adc esi,$00
MergeSortDemo.dpr.54: MergeSort<T>(Slice(values, mid));
0041CA4B 8BD6 mov edx,esi
0041CA4D 4A dec edx
0041CA4E 8B0424 mov eax,[esp]
0041CA51 E8DEFFFFFF call TArray.MergeSort<System.Integer>
MergeSortDemo.dpr.59: MergeSort<T>(Slice(TOpenArray<T>((@values[mid])^), len - mid));
0041CA56 8BD3 mov edx,ebx
0041CA58 2BD6 sub edx,esi
0041CA5A 4A dec edx
0041CA5B 8B0424 mov eax,[esp]
0041CA5E 8D04B0 lea eax,[eax+esi*4]
0041CA61 E8CEFFFFFF call TArray.MergeSort<System.Integer>
MergeSortDemo.dpr.63: end;
0041CA66 5A pop edx
0041CA67 5E pop esi
0041CA68 5B pop ebx
0041CA69 C3 ret

Not much to complain about here - the compiler generated just the right code - sure it could have used a register to store eax in instead of using the stack and thus avoid one mov but that is what it usually does in generics. But for the important use of Slice it properly calculates the offset in the array and passes that to MergeSort.

I stated in the introduction that open array parameters are a unique language feature in Delphi - however many other languages have better support for subranges of arrays or strings - and in fact I only came to the solution being presented here because I was looking how to improve the implementation of introsort in Spring4D when I saw how .Net Core utilizes its Span<T>.

Would it be nice to have Slice work without that workaround and have a more powerful way to specify ranges on arrays? Yes and I might file another issue on QP about it - but in the meantime using open array parameters is a nice way to work with subranges of arrays without unnecessary offset calculation.

Update: I previously omitted the generic type parameter on the MergeSort call in the generic implementation which seems to work properly in Delphi 10.4.1 but causes some endless loop in the compiler in earlier versions. Updated the code to not use type inference but explicitly specify the generic type parameter.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

TestInsight released

A new version of TestInsight is available for Delphi 10.1 and higher including the just released Delphi 10.4.1 - older Delphi versions can still use version

Download for (10.1 or higher) or (XE to 10.0)
Download for

It contains mostly bugfixes (some had already been fixed in
  • div by zero exception when trying to discover tests on DUnitX
  • truncated duration column for larger numbers: the format of the duration has been improved and you can resize the column now
  • an AV could occur in certain situations when closing the IDE with a docked TestInsight window
  • clipboard shortcuts did not work in the filter edit
  • vertical scrollbar did not have the correct size
But also some nice improvements:
  • run test at the cursor from the interface section of the unit now works (not for individual testcase attributes yet though, it executes all for that particular method) - you have to be in the line of the method declaration
  • navigating from a test result to its implementation now works if the method is implemented by a parent class